Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sun Gazing

Trying to think of alternative ways to improve my all around health when I ran across this:

Sun Gazing, yes I said sun gazing as in sitting and staring at the sun.  All those years growing when my mother yelled at me for staring at sun, telling me I'd go blind!  And it's good for your health?  Go figure...

or pick up a copy of:  "Staring at the Sun" by:  Irvin D. Yalcom

Strange but true it seems.  Your thoughts on this?

Sassy the Urban meaning

Upon looking in the Urban Dictionary, I found that my life long nickname has a few meanings that I'm not to sure about.  My friends and family have always called me "sassy girl" for as long as I can remember, I just didn't know it was maybe for the wrong reason?

A fluffy persian siamese cat that hates the world

used to describe a really bitchy and commanding girl

the code word friends use to complement their friend who is a heinous bitch

Really, I just thought it was because I was cute?